Iñaki Aliende y Lorenzo Escot
- Aliende, I., Escot, L. (2023). Is Income Level a Relevant Trigger to Decide Starting Refereeing? Studies of Applied Economics, Vol. 41 (1).
- Aliende, I., Bacigalupe, C., Escot, L. (2022). Survival analysis of football referees in Madrid, 1991-2021: a data-science approach. Soccer & Society, 1-21.
DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2022.2144258
- Aliende, I.; Escot, L. (2022). "Why Policymakers and Social Scientists Should Adopt Behavioral Economics: An Analysis for the Period 2000-2020", Revista Finanzas y Política Económica, 14(2), 453-487.
Mª Dolores Domínguez y Paul Swagemakers
- Swagemakers, P.; Schermer, M.; Domínguez García, M.D.; Milone, P.; Ventura, F. (2021). "To what extent do brands contribute to sustainability transition in agricultural production practices? Lessons from three European case studies", Ecological Economics, 189.
doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107179
Lorenzo Escot
- Escot, L., Sandubete, J.E. (2023). "Estimating Lyapunov exponents on a noisy environment by global and local Jacobian indirect algorithms", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 436 (1), January. (Revista primer decil JCR, área matemáticas aplicadas)
Cristina García
- García Fernández, C. (2023). Impactos Sociales del Cambio Climático. Editorial Los Libros de la Catarata. ISBN 978-84-1352-820-5.
- García Fernández, C.; Peek, D. (2023):“Connecting the Smart Village: A Switch towards Smart and Sustainable Rural-Urban Linkages”. Land 12(4), Special Issue on Urban Resilience and Urban Sustainability under Climate Change.
- Ruiz-Campillo, X.; Gil, O.; García Fernández, C. (2022). "Ready for Climate Change? An Assessment of Measures Adopted by 45 Mediterranean Coastal Cities to Face Climate Change", en Leal Filho, W. (ed.) Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region. Springer.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78566-6_13
- García Fernández, C.; Peek, D. (2020). “Smart and Sustainable? Positioning Adaptation to Climate Change in the European Smart City”. Smart Cities, 2020, 3(2), 511–526.
DOI: 10.3390/smartcities3020027
- García Fernández, C. (2020). “Climate Change: a challenge for international security”. The European Security and Defence Union, 1/2020, Vol. 34; 23-25.
Pilar Grau
- Mateos de Cabo, R.; Grau, P.; Gimeno, R.; Patricia Gabaldón, P. (2022). "Shades of Power: Network Links with Gender Quotas and Corporate Governance Codes", British Journal of Management, 33 (2).
- Artículo en libro colectivo dedicado a redes complejas: Gimeno, R.; Mateos de Cabo, R.; Grau, P.; Gabaldon, P. (2022). "Asymmetric Diffusion in a Complex Network: The Presence of Women on Boards".
En Benito, R.M., Cherifi, C., Cherifi, H., Moro, E., Rocha, L.M., Sales-Pardo, M. (eds). "Complex Networks & Their Applications X. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021". Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1015. Springer, Cham.
Elena Márquez, Ana Rosa Martínez e Inés Pérez-Soba
- Martínez-Cañete, A. R; Márquez-de-la-Cruz, E.; Pérez-Soba, I. (2022). “Non-linear cointegration between oil and stock prices: The role of interest rates”, Research in International Business and Finance 59, 101513. (JCR, Q1 área Finance)
- Pérez-Soba, I.; Martínez-Cañete, A. R; Márquez-de-la-Cruz, E. (2021). “Private benefits from control block trades in the Spanish stock exchange”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 56, 101338. (JCR, Q2 área Economics)
- Lérida-Navarro, C.; Nombela, G.; Tranchez-Martin, J.M. (2022). “El ferrocarril de alta velocidad en españa y otros países europeos: un análisis comparativo”, Papeles de Economía Española, 171, 15-34.
- Lérida-Navarro, C.; Nombela, G.; Tranchez-Martin, J.M. (2019). “European Railways: Liberalization and Productive Efficiency”, Transport Policy, Vol. 83, pp. 57-67.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2019.09.002
- López-Laborda, J., Marín, C. y Onrubia, J. (2022): “The Removal of Tax Expenditures from Spanish Personal Income Tax: Impact on Tax Collection and Income Distribution”, Public Budgeting & Finance.
DOI: 10.1111/pbaf.12312
- López-Laborda, J., Marín, C. y Onrubia, J. (2021): “Estimating Engel curves: a new way to improve the SILC-HBS matching process using GLM methods”, Journal of Applied Statistics, 48(16): 3233-3250.
- Onrubia, J., Plaza-Iniesta, R. y Sánchez-Fuentes, A. J. (2022): “A Quantitative summary of compliance with the 2030 Agenda in the European Union”, Papeles de Europa, 35:1-16.
- López-Laborda, J., C. Marín y J. Onrubia (2023): “Observatorio sobre el reparto de los impuestos y las prestaciones entre los hogares españoles. Séptimo informe –2019 y 2020”, Estudios sobre la Economía Española, EEE-2023-01, FEDEA (Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada).
Marta Ortega
- López-López, S., del Pozo-Rubio, R., Ortega-Ortega, M.; Escribano-Sotos, F. (2022)."Catastrophic household expenditure associated with out-of-pocket payments for dental healthcare in Spain". European Journal of Health Economics, 23, pp. 1187-1201.
doi: 10.1007/s10198-021-01420-y
- Olry de Labry-Lima, A.; Ponce-Polo, A.; García-Mochón, L.; Ortega-Ortega, M.; Pérez-Troncoso, D.; Epstein, D. "Challenges for Economic Evaluations of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products: A Systematic Review", Value in Health, en prensa.
doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.07.004
- Del Pozo-Rubio, R., Ortega-Ortega, M. (2022). "Sociodemographic and health factors associated with the risk of financial catastrophe when informal care for patients with haematological neoplasms is replaced by formal care", Health Economics Review, 12, 20.
doi: 10.1186/s13561-022-00364-0
Alejandro Peláez
- Peláez, A.(2021). "Blanqueo de capitales y financiación del terrorismo, dos delitos relacionados", La Ley Penal, 148, ene-feb. Ed. Wolters Kluwer.
José Félix Sanz
- Gamarra A., Arrazola M.; Sanz-Sanz J.F. (2022). “The elasticity of taxable income of low-income earners: bunching evidence from Spain”, Applied Economics, published on-line 18 Aug 2022.
doi: 10.1080/00036846.2022.2102576
- Sanz-Sanz J.F. (2022). “A Full-Fledged Analytical Model for the Laffer Curve in Personal Income Taxation”, Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 73, 795-811.
doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2022.01.008
Paul Swagemakers
- Maye, D., Swagemakers, P.; Wiskerke, J. S.; Moschitz, H.; Kirwan, J.; Jahrl, I. (2022). "Transformative potential from the ground up: Sustainable innovation journeys, soft change and alignment of interests in urban food initiatives", European Urban and Regional Studies, 29(2), pp. 222–237.
doi: 10.1177/09697764211028887
Lucía Vicent
- Alonso, N.; Trillo, D.; Vicent, L. (2022). "Análisis del sector de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres en la Unión Europea: enfoque conceptual y limitaciones estadísticas". Revista de Economía Mundial, (60), pp. 151-171.