
Nadia Hamade

FULL NAME: Nadia Hamade Almeida
THESIS TITLE AND DATE OF DEFENCE: 19th Century Lancashire Dialect: Dialect Pronunciations via Dialect Spellings. (22nd October 2020)
CURRENT RESEARCH: My research focuses on English historical Linguistics and Dialectology; specifically, I centre on the diachronic phonological changes the English language has experienced and the linguistic study of the Lancashire dialect, and northern English dialects in general. I am thereby interested in the comparative study between Standard English and the Lancashire dialect. My research on the Lancashire dialect also tackles dialect representation in literature and the sociolinguistic reasons for the use of the vernacular variety in the county of Lancashire.
CURRENT JOB:  Associate professor of the subjects Idioma Moderno and English II and English III at University of Rey Juan Carlos and at University of Camilo José Cela. 
LINK TO CV:  Linkedin