Ignacio Calle Rubio
FULL NAME: Ignacio Calle Rubio
TTHESIS TITLE AND YEAR IN WHICH IT WAS DEFENDED: A corpus-based study of relative clauses in 18th and 19th century Australian English (2022)
CURRENT RESEARCH: Historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, language variation and change.
CURRENT JOB: part-time lecturer at UCM
Calle-Rubio, I. (2024). English transported to Australia: factors affecting the choice of relativisation strategies in diaries written from 1788-1900. Atlantis Journal, vol. 46 (2), pp. 27-47. ISSN: 1989-6840. https://www.atlantisjournal.org/index.php/atlantis/article/view/1143
Calle-Rubio, I. (2023). Review of Castro-Chao, N. ‘Argument structure in flux: the development of impersonal constructions in Middle and Early Modern English, with special reference to verbs of desire’. Nexus, 2023 (1), pp. 61-64. ISSN: 1697-4646. https://aedean.org/wp-content/uploads/nexus-2023-01-27062023.pdf
Calle-Rubio, I. (2018). The use of ‘whom’ in 18th and 19th century Australian English. In Novas perspectivas na lingüística aplicada. Editorial Axac, pp. 117-124.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: icalle@ucm.es