
Clara Cantos Delgado

FULL NAME: Clara Cantos Delgado

THESIS TITLE AND YEAR IN WHICH IT WAS DEFENDED: "El humor en los tiempos de Tinder: Un estudio sociopragmático del humor como estrategia de auto presentación"/ "Humour in times of Tinder: A sociopragmatic study of humour as a self-presentation strategy" (2024)

CURRENT RESEARCH: Digital communication, Sociopragmatics, TESOL, ESP

CURRENT JOB: Substitute teacher at UCM, "Ayudante" at UDIT.


Journal Articles

  • Cantos-Delgado, C. & Maíz-Arévalo. (2023). I hear you like bad girls? I’m bad at everything’ A cross-cultural analysis (British-Spanish) of humour as a self-presentation strategy in Tinder heterosexual profiles. The European Journal of Humour Research, 11(3): 31-53.
  • Cantos-Delgado, C., & Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2024). I take hot showers so I can practice burning in hell A corpus analytical study of Tinder female profiles in the UK. Alicante Journal of English Studies, 41: 151-174.
  • Cantos-Delgado, C. (Forthcoming) The Perfect Coffee Brew or A Fabulous Flavorful Latte? An Exploratory Study of Gender Stereotypes in AI-Generated Tinder Profiles. Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Book Chapters

  • Cantos-Delgado, C. (2021). “Let’s get digital”: An introduction of the different software programs that can be used in linguistic research. En: C. Maíz-Arévalo & J.I. Martin Arrese (Eds)., Discourse Studies: a practical guide. Guillermo Escolar. pp. 161–179. ISBN: 978-84-18-98-1-41-8. 
  • Cantos-Delgado, C. (2024). 'Andalú sin acento en busca de su media pera, que la naranja no me gusta, XD’ An exploratory study of intracultural and humour use differences on Tinder profiles in Spain. En: D. Martín-González & P. Román Porras (Eds.), English Linguistics Meets the 21st century. pp. 18-46. Dykinson S.L. ISBN: 978-84-1070-062-8
  • Cantos-Delgado, C. (In Press). I’m so scared you won’t accept this but… A sentiment analysis of transgender coming out letters in online support forums. En: A. Sánchez-Moya (Ed.), Challenges to European identities and values in digital communities. Peter Lang.

Book Note