
Beatriz Martín A.

C. Beatriz Martin Alonso: Multilingual TESOL / ESP teacher expert in teaching English as a Second Language, levels C2 (Proficiency), C1 (Advanced), Business English Vantage and Higher Certificates (CBC). ESP & Advanced English teacher in UNED School of Languages. B.A. in English Linguistics. Ph.D. student in Applied English Linguistics. M. Sc. In ICT for Teaching and Processing Foreign Languages. M.A. in Strategic Management of Educational Institutions. M.A. in ICT for Elementary Education. M.A. in Library Management. Researcher in European Erasmus+ projects on Technology for Education; Copy Editor & Proof Reader in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Dpt., School of Engineering UNED

Speaker in:     

“VII Seminario de TIC –ETL”, UNED (25th April 2014);

“III Seminario Avanzado de Lingüística Inglesa”, UCM (5th June 2016);

“Educational Activities, Evaluation and Quality Assurance Inside the mEQUITY ERASMUS +project”, UNED (29th  March 2017);

“Evaluation and Quality Assurance Meeting of the mEQUITY ERASMUS +project” (28th April 2018).

Co-author of the following published articles:

Open Educational Resources in Microelectronics framed in the MicroElectronics Cloud Alliance Project (EADTU OOFHEC2018)

Quality in the Mobile Digital Resources (MDR) Conceptual Model (IEEE LED-ICT2018)

Quality in courses using mobile technologies aimed at the better integration of disadvantaged groups to socio-economic diversity (EADTU OOFHEC2018) 

Translator specialized in legal, finance and technical documents for international and multilingual companies. Translator of academic, technical and scientific documents for several higher education institutions (UCM, UNED, UAM, etc.)

 Lines of research:

  1. Innovation in Education with technology

2. Effective communication in ESL for professional purposes