
Seminario Harvard-Complutense 2007 Comparative experiences on listed companies law

V Seminario Harvad-Complutense de Derecho mercantil

15, 16 y 17 de octubre de 2007


El tema principal del Seminario será la regulación y la práctica de las Ofertas Públicas de Adquisición (OPAs). Su importancia actual la protagonizan las operaciones iniciadas o anunciadas en los mercados europeos. Y su relevancia teórica ha venido marcada por la ultimación del largo y complejo proceso de armonización de la normativa europea, con la aprobación Directiva.

Junto a la tradicional participación en el Seminario de Profesores complutenses y de la Harvard Law School, junto con Abogados de los bufetes participantes, en esta edición estarán presentes Profesores de otras Universidades españolas.

Como en ocasiones anteriores, las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en el Seminario serán objeto de una publicación posterior.

El Seminario se organiza gracias al patrocinio de Banco Santander, Allen & Overy y Garrigues.


 Monday 15th October 2007

9.30 h. Welcome to participants and opening of the Seminar: Prof. David Kennedy, Director, European Law Research Center, Manley Hudson Professor of Law, Harvard Law School.

9.45 h. 1st Lecture: "A Critical Revision of Takeovers Regulation", Prof. Juan Sánchez-Calero Chaired Professor of Business Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

11.00 h. 2nd Lecture: "Rewarding Outside Directors", Prof. Reinier H. Kraakman, Ezra Ripley Thayer Law Professor, Harvard Law School.

12.30 h. Communications

"Shareholders rights in the takeover context. A point comparison: The Delaware approach and the Spanish Law", Prof. Isabel Fernández Torres.

"Takeover Bids and Competition Law", Prof. Nemesio Vara de Paz.

"Control Enhancing Mechanisms vs. The "one share-one vote" principle (An outline about the Report on the Proportionality Principle in EU listed companies", Prof. Mónica Fuentes.

Tuesday 16th October 2007

9.30 h. 3rd Lecture: "Cross-border Takeovers: Supervisory Authorities and Applicable Law", Prof. Francisco J. Garcimartín Alferez, Chaired Professor of International Private Law, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.

11.00 h. 4th Lecture: "Recent Developments in Takeover Law & Practice", Prof. Guhan Subramanian, Joseph Flom Professor of Law & Business, Harvard Law School, and H. Douglas Weaver Professor of Business Law, Harvard Business School.

12.30 h. Communications

"Yogurt, Privatizations and How Regulatory Authorizations May Affect Takeover Bids", Prof. Adolfo Domínguez Ruiz de Huidobro.

"Deal protection devices in mergers and acquisitions context: a comparative analysis under Spanish and Delaware law", Prof. Fernando Marín de la Bárcena.

"Compensation in cash and shareholders protection", Prof. Carmen Galán.

Wednesday 17th October 2007

9.30 h. 5th Lecture: "Opting For and Reciprocity Concerning the Passivity Rule of Directors in the Takeovers Directive", Prof. Javier García de Enterría, Chaired Professor of Business Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

11.00 h. Communications

"Indirect takeovers: Some relevant legal pitfalls", Prof. Iñigo Gómez-Jordana

"The rights of squeeze out and sell out (arts. 15 and 16 Directive 2004/25/EC on Takeover Bids and art. 60 quáter Spanish Securities Market Law 24/1988)", Prof. José Carlos González Vázquez.

"Obligations of the board of the offeree company: EU Directive and Spanish law", Prof. Javier Juste Mencía.

"Voting rights considered for the determination of the taking of control", Prof. Emilio Díaz Ruiz.

"State Owned Companies and the European Control Markets", Prof. Juan Ignacio Signes de Mesa.

13.00 h. Closing of the Seminar. 




The Real Colegio Complutense and the Harvard Law School gratefully acknowledge the support of Allen & Overy, Banco Santander and Garrigues