Trabajos científicos / Scientific papers (2000-2007)
Doukakis, P., V.J. Birstein, R. DeSalle, A.N. Ludwig, A. Ludwig, A. Machordom, A. Almodóvar & B. Elvira 2000. Failure to confirm previous identification of two putative museum specimens of the Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser sturio, as the Adriatic sturgeon, A. naccarii. Marine Biology 136(2): 373-377. [.PDF]
Machordom, A., J. Suárez, A. Almodóvar & J.M. Bautista 2000. Mitochondrial haplotype variation and phylogeography of Iberian brown trout populations. Molecular Ecology 9: 1325-1338. [.PDF]
Elvira, B. & A. Almodóvar 2000. Morphology and taxonomy of the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio from Spain. Folia Zoologica 49(3): 221-230. [.PDF]
Almodóvar, A., A. Machordom & J. Suárez 2000. Preliminary results from characterization of the Iberian Peninsula sturgeon based on analysis of the mtDNA cytochrome b. Boletín. Instituto Español de Oceanografía 16(1-4): 17-27. [.PDF]
Elvira, B. & A. Almodóvar 2000. Further observations on the morphological characters of Acipenser sturio L., 1758 from the Iberian Peninsula: a comparison with North and Adriatic Sea populations. Boletín. Instituto Español de Oceanografía 16(1-4): 89-97. [.PDF]
Elvira, B., A. Almodóvar & G.G. Nicola 2000. Acipenser sturio L., 1758 conservation resources on the World Wide Web. Boletín. Instituto Español de Oceanografía 16(1-4): 99-108. [.PDF]
Almodóvar, A., J. Suárez, G.G. Nicola & M. Nuevo 2001. Genetic introgression between wild and stocked brown trout in the Douro River Basin, Spain. Journal of Fish Biology 59 (supp. A): 68-74. [.PDF]
Elvira, B. & A. Almodóvar 2001. Freshwater fish introductions in Spain: facts and figures at the beginning of the 21st century. Journal of Fish Biology 59(Suppl. A): 323-331. [.PDF]
Suárez, J., J.M. Bautista, A. Almodóvar & A. Machordom 2001. Evolution of the mitochondrial control region in Palearctic brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations: the biogeographical role of the Iberian Peninsula. Heredity 87: 198-206. [.PDF]
Nicola, G.G. & A. Almodóvar 2002. Reproductive traits of stream-dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta in contrasting neighbouring rivers of central Spain. Freshwater Biology 47: 1353-1365. [.PDF]
Almodóvar, A. & G.G. Nicola 2004. Angling impact on conservation of Spanish stream-dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta. Fisheries Management and Ecology 11: 173-182. [.PDF]
Nicola, G.G. & A. Almodóvar 2004. Growth pattern of stream-dwelling brown trout under contrasting thermal conditions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133: 66-78. [.PDF]
Almodóvar, A., G.G. Nicola & M. Nuevo 2004. Effects of a bloom of Planktothrix rubescens on the fish community of a Spanish reservoir. Limnetica 23(1-2): 167-177. [.PDF]
Almodóvar, A., G.G. Nicola, B. Elvira & J.L. García-Marín 2006. Introgression variability among Iberian brown trout Evolutionary Significant Units: the influence of local management and environmental features. Freshwater Biology 51(6): 1175-1187. [.PDF]
Almodóvar, A., G.G. Nicola & B. Elvira 2006. Spatial variation in brown trout production: the role of environmental factors. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135(4): 1348-1360. [.PDF]
Vinyoles, D., J.I. Robalo, A. de Sostoa, A. Almodóvar, B. Elvira, G.G. Nicola, C. Fernández-Delgado, C.S. Santos, I. Doadrio, F. Sardá-Palomera & V.C. Almada 2007. Spread of the alien bleak Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: the role of reservoirs. Graellsia 63(1): 101-110. [.PDF]